Greatest IELTS tips today are in equally education and academic Test. As IELTS reading as you read, do not worry if you can not understand every word. It is not compulsory to understand every word to understand the passage (this is already the case in your own language). If you click on this link IELTS better, you will be taken to Best IELTS online where you can find strategies to work on the unknown vocabulary.
My best advice IELTS, I would like to share with you today is IELTS reading. Sometimes reading assignments solutions, for example. Be sure to use this information thoroughly. Survey response example and make sure you understand why it is correct. This is what you do when you do practice tests for IELTS reading.
Today I will share with you a few tips best IELTS reading test:
Be sure to read the instructions carefully read test. I saw so many students to get a lower score than they should join in IELTS practice test, because even if they knew the answer, they do not read the instructions properly. Especially note the following:
Using words from the text in your answer? or
How do you use your own words?
Is there a word limit for answers e.g. do not use more than three words?
In the latter case, it must be much disciplined and do not use unnecessary words in your answer. The best advice I would like to share today is the IELTS General Training Reading:
In IELTS general training reading, I think the best strategy is to first read the passage quickly. While doing this, to get the core "of the passage, you should look out and identify the following characteristics: -
What’s wrong?
this style is the passage written?
Where do you think the transition has come? (e.g. a travel brochure)
What is the author trying to do? What is his / her goal? (For example, to inform, etc. persuade)
the author writes? Who is his / her intention reader? (e.g. a tourist)
The identification of these features will put you in the best position to answer the questions in the reading test of general education.