Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Most usable Tenses in English Speaking

Are you looking to improve your English speaking? What type of your speaking level it does not matter? You will never find fluency in Speaking if not try to speak simple sentences and fail to ask question properly, So don’t worry start to  study practical English.

My cousin frequently speaks English however he is non-native speaker. In a discussion he stated  “I am not fluent” his speaking is flawless when he start.

I had met too many English students who avoid to using simple present tense correctly! However all of them are sharp. There are many different tenses are include in English Language, but only five are frequently use in English so it must be command over them for better result.

 I want to give an advice to all students that they must to properly know these five basic tenses for speak English in natural way. These five may be use in more then 80% exercises.

Most frequently usable English Tenses



Present Continuous

Present Perfect

Past tense

Improve your skills of applying these 5 valuable English tenses in your daily language, start your speaking practice by using simple questions and answers having these tenses. 

Every One think English is a complicate language after studying the un-interesting English textbook but it is not true English is simple Practice ask over questions and speaking sentences.

It is better for you to properly know and getting perfection in basic grammar rather then advanced grammar.  you will be thoroughly speak in daily life by using them.